Shoppers Can’t Wait To See What You Have In Store

Join a marketplace where buyers around the world shop for items. By selling product here, seller can make more profit. You pay no listing fees, and you don’t even need a bank account to earn. Get access to worldwide community of Buyers while enjoying zero seller fees.

Low fees

It's free to list your items, and once you make a sale we will only charge a commission fee of just 10%.

Powerful Tools

Our tools and services make it easy to manage, promote and grow your business.


Our support team are ready to provide you a great service whenever you need.


How it works?

Affordable, transparent, and secure

It doesn’t cost a thing to list up on your store, and you only pay after your stuff sells.
It’s just a small percent of the money you earn

$0 Listing Fee

No fee to list your products

10% Commission

After selling your items

Here's what you get for your fee:

  • A worldwide community.
  • Seller protection and customer support to help you sell your stuff.
  • support for the growth of

Here are some common questions about selling on Sell Your Used Stuff

What do I need to do to create a shop?

It’s easy to set up a shop on sellyourusedstuff. Create an account (if you don’t already have one), Provide all the required details. We will take some time to verify your identity. After verification you can create your final shop to upload and sell your products.

Do I need a credit or debit card to create a shop?

No, a credit or debit card is not required to create a shop. To be verified as a seller you have the choice to use either a credit card or to register via PayPal. You will not incur any charges until you open your shop and publish your listings.

How do I get paid?

We accept payments with PayPal, Stripe, and Bank transfers. If you use PayPal then we encourage sellers to use a PayPal Business account and not a Personal account, as personal accounts are subject to monthly receiving limits

So what are you waiting for? It's time to start making money.